9 Python functions you need to know for EDAExploratory Data Analysis (EDA) can be an essential part of your data science process. I want to emphasize the work “can”. I’ve seen many…Apr 3, 202491Apr 3, 202491
How Wall Street is moving to PythonFor the past 2 years, my work has been focused on helping banks transition spreadsheet users to Python. Below, I’ll overview why and how…Apr 14, 202331Apr 14, 202331
Python Basics #4: PandasThis is post four in our series Python Basics, where we discuss the minimum Python and Jupyter you need to know to successfully automate…Mar 21, 20231Mar 21, 20231
Python Basics #3This is post three in our series Python Basics, where we discuss the minimum Python and Jupyter you need to know to successfully automate…Mar 21, 20233Mar 21, 20233
3 Python Packages for Spreadsheet UsersIt is inevitable: spreadsheets users will have their workflows drastically altered by programming languages like Python.Mar 21, 2023201Mar 21, 2023201
Python Basics #2: VariablesThis is post two in our series Python Basics, where we discuss the minimum Python and Jupyter you need to know to successfully automate…Mar 21, 20237Mar 21, 20237
Please Steal My Code: Concatenating Dataframes in PandasIf you concatenate two dataframes, a new dataframe will be created with the rows of the first dataframe above the rows of the second…Mar 12, 20234Mar 12, 20234
Everything you need to know about joins in PythonMerging dataframes allows you to combine multiple data sources into one. In the data world, enriching data often includes merging two…Mar 9, 202318Mar 9, 202318
Better Pivot Tables in Python: A GuidePivot tables are the classic requirement on a job posting that you learn the day before the interview. Nobody uses them until you need…Mar 8, 20235Mar 8, 20235
Exploratory Data Analysis in Python, Using Just 9 functionsExploratory Data Analysis (EDA) can be an essential part of your data science process. I want to emphasize the work “can”. I’ve seen many…Feb 27, 202320Feb 27, 202320
Python Basics #1: Hello WorldWelcome to the exciting and powerful world of Python. If you’re here, you probably have at least one of these Excel files in your life:Feb 27, 20231Feb 27, 20231
Automating Spreadsheets with Python 101Looking for a bit of automation, eh? We get it. That weekly_report.xlsx sheet started simple enough, with just a data pull tab and a…Feb 27, 20235Feb 27, 20235
Mito Turns Spreadsheet Workflows into PythonMito is an open source Python package that allows the user to generate Python by editing a spreadsheet. Each step the user takes in the…Dec 12, 20222Dec 12, 20222
Low Code DataFrame Formatting in PythonYou can format a DataFrame in python using pandas code — it is not an intuitive or speedy undertaking. Python is amazing for so many…Dec 12, 2022611Dec 12, 2022611
A Beginner’s Guide to Mitosheets: Turn Spreadsheets into PythonThe Mitosheet in a notebookJul 13, 2022311Jul 13, 2022311