Published inJupyter BlogSurvey — JupyterLab and beyondThe 2020 end-user survey is live!Dec 14, 2020Dec 14, 2020
Published inJupyter BlogReusable code snippets in JupyterLabby Patrick Titzler, Luciano ResendeNov 18, 2020Nov 18, 2020
Published inJupyter BlogElyra reaches 1.0.0Building on a Jupyter Notebooks foundation, the de facto tool for data scientists, machine learning engineers and AI developers, Elyra is…Aug 10, 20201Aug 10, 20201
Published inJupyter BlogJupyter Community Workshop: Jupyter Server Design and Roadmap WorkshopWe have some exciting news to share regarding the Jupyter Server Design and Roadmap Workshop as part of the Jupyter Community Workshop…Apr 30, 2019Apr 30, 2019
Published inJupyter BlogOn-demand Notebooks with JupyterHub, Jupyter Enterprise Gateway and Kubernetesby: Luciano Resende, Kevin Bates, Alan ChinOct 16, 20183Oct 16, 20183
Published inJupyter BlogIntroducing Jupyter Enterprise Gatewayby Luciano Resende, Kevin Bates, Alan ChinSep 17, 2018Sep 17, 2018
Taking your project open source — A practical guideI have been working with open source software for several years, and I still see myself astonished with the number of projects that are…Jan 25, 20181Jan 25, 20181