Congratulations, Distinguished Contributors!

Johan Mabille
Jupyter Blog
Published in
Mar 16, 2022


We are proud to announce the recipients of the Jupyter Distinguished Contributor (JDC) award for the 2021 cohort of contributors.

Project Jupyter Distinguished Contributors are recognized for their substantial contributions to Jupyter itself in both quality and quantity over at least two years. Contributions may include code, code review, infrastructure work, mailing list and chat participation, community help/building, education and outreach, fundraising, branding, marketing, inclusion and diversity, UX design and research, etc.

Please congratulate the winners of the 2021 cohort of Jupyter Distinguished Contributors!

Mehmet Bektas
David Brochart
S. Chris Colbert
Frédéric Collonval
Martha Cryan
Wayne Decatur
Sarah Gibson
Mariana Meireles
Isabela Presedo-Floyd
Nicolas Thiéry



Scientific computing software engineer at QuantStack, C++ teacher, template metamage