JupyterDay Chicago 2016

Project Jupyter
Jupyter Blog
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2015


We are pleased to announce our second JupyterDay Workshop, in Chicago on February 20th, 2016 from 8:30am-6:30pm. The event will be hosted at Civis Analytics Civis Analytics, is a Chicago-based company that empowers organizations to understand their data at an individual level. We are excited to be partnering with such a fantastic organization for the event.

What is it?

JupyterDay Chicago is a single-day workshop on the open-source Jupyter/IPython Notebook and its underlying architecture. This event is being organized by the core Jupyter/IPython project contributors, some of whom will be present.

The event will be a fun mix of talks, discussions and hacking with topics spanning the full ecosystem of Jupyter.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served.

So what will we be doing?

That’s an excellent question! Here is our tentative schedule for the event:

  • 8:30–9:00: The day starts off as folks register and enjoy a delicious breakfast.
  • 9:00–9:30: A brief presentation of the day-of logistics followed by the opening talk
  • 9:30–10:10: Two brief talks by members of the Jupyter community
  • 10:10–10:20: Individuals pitch repositories or incubations they would like to work on and people form groups
  • 10:30 — noon: Code, code, code!
  • noon — 1:00: Attendees enjoy a delicious lunch.
  • 1:00–4:00: Feeling full and energized? More code!
  • 4:00–5:00: Three brief talks by members of the Jupyter community
  • 5:00–6:00: That was a long day! Let’s eat!
  • 6:00–6:30: Event Wrap-Up

How can I be a part of it?

Yet another fantastic question! If you are interested in being a part of the event, there are several opportunities for you. You can choose to either submit a proposal for a Jupyter-related topic that you think attendees would be interested in hearing. Additionally, if you have experience with open source or Jupyter please contact the organizer about being a volunteer.

How can my organization be a part of it?

If your organization uses the Jupyter Notebook and would like to give back to the community, we are currently looking for organizations to sponsor meals for the event and provide cool swag for the attendees. If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact the organizer for further information.

Where can I register to attend?

If you are interested in attending JupyterDay Chicago, you can purchase your ticket at our EventBrite page.

Who will be speaking?

Check out all the awesome talks that will be presented at JupyterDay Chicago!

State of the Stack

Presenter: Safia Abdalla

Abstract: Start the day off by hearing some of the recent updates in the Jupyter ecosystem! This talk will familiarize attendees with different components of Jupyter, recent milestones within each project, and planned work within each project.

Practical Jupyter at a Data Science Firm

Presenter: Brian Lange

Abstract: Over the past year at Datascope our team has used Jupyter Notebook to do data science work for clients, present findings, generate figures for blog posts, and teach data science classes, to varying levels of success. In this talk I’ll summarize what worked, what didn’t, and how we think we’ll use it moving forward.

Using Jupyter to Cluster Netrunner Decks for Fun (But Not Profit)

Presenter: Richard Harris

Abstract: Netrunner is an exceptionally geeky living card game with an active competitive scene and growing card pool. I use Jupyter notebooks (particularly some of the widgets) along with k-means clustering and T-SNE dimensionality reduction to understand what decks people are running. This is an accessible talk with a focus on Jupyter magic — no prior knowledge of card games or machine learning required!

Hacking Jupyter Notebooks with Customized Plugins

Presenter: Michelangeo D’Agostino

Abstract: Jupyter notebooks have a nascent plugin system that allows users to add new buttons and menu options powered by custom javascript code. This talk will introduce plugins through a real-world example of building a custom button to link notebooks to the cloud-based Civis data science platform.

Using Jupyter in Publishing

Presenter: Andrew Odewahn

Abstract: In this talk, Andrew Odewahn will talk about the features of a modern publishing stack, and the opportunities and challenges O’Reilly Media faces in embracing Jupyter (https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/jupyter-at-oreilly) as a first class authoring environment in their publishing program. He will also cover how O’Reilly is combining Jupyter with video and other assets to create new kinds of content that go beyond static text and code.

Tiny Data: Using Jupyter Notebooks for Data Collection in a Nanotechnology Lab

Author: Henry Hinnefeld

Abstract: The ‘notebook’ paradigm of Project Jupyter is a natural fit for research applications, but to date most use cases have focused on analyzing pre-existing data. In this talk I’ll describe how our lab at the University of Illinois built a Jupyter notebook-based data collection framework, our motivations for doing so, and the advantages we’ve found to using Python and Jupyter notebooks in an experimental research environment.

JupyterDay Chicago 2016 Sponsors



Project Jupyter exists to develop open-source software, open standards, and services for interactive and reproducible computing.