The Jupyter Community Building Working Group would like to share a report and…
Four years ago, Project Jupyter participated for the first time in the Outreachy program. And at the end of last year, during the December round, three more awesome interns joined the project. Because I was lucky enough to be part of this program both times, first time as an intern and…
This week, we are deploying some updates to repo2docker, the image-building tool that underpins…
OVHcloud is a long-time supporter of the Jupyter project. In the past few years, they have provided computing resources to…
Hubs and roles and scopes, oh my!
We’ve just published JupyterHub 2.0, our biggest release in a while.
Thanks to the work of Omar Richardson and Ivana Huskova and more contributors along…
The Littlest JupyterHub is an extremely capable hub distribution that I’d recommend for situations where you expect, on average, under 100 active users.