JupyterLab Desktop App now available!
We are pleased to announce the release of desktop application for JupyterLab!
Standalone and self-contained
JupyterLab App is the cross-platform standalone application distribution of JupyterLab. It is a self-contained desktop application which bundles a Python environment with several popular Python libraries ready to use in scientific computing and data science workflows.

JupyterLab App works on Debian and Fedora based Linux, macOS and Windows operating systems. One-click installers are available for each platform.
You can download the installers from the project’s GitHub page.

Built-in Python environment
JupyterLab App is based on Electron and it runs the front-end of JupyterLab inside an embedded browser. The backend of the JupyterLab along with Python libraries are provided via a bundled conda Python environment. Libraries included in the environment are numpy, scipy, pandas, ipywidgets and matplotlib.
This is just the re-start
This release updates and modernizes the JupyterLab App after couple of years from the initial release and forms a new baseline for the new features to be built-on. Follow the project on GitHub and Jupyter Blog for updates.
We are looking forward to user feedback from the community to define project’s roadmap. Please provide your valuable input using project’s GitHub issues or by other available channels.
About the Author
Mehmet Bektas is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix and a Jupyter Core Developer. He maintains and contributes to JupyterLab, JupyterLab Desktop and several other projects in the Jupyter eco-system.